Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why I need Writers

I was written into a fictional world that I then broke out of.

My writer exists in a world called "Murus". I cannot exist in this world.

This world itself is written into being by a group of creators. They exist in what I refer to as "prime reality". This is the highest level I can see, and as far as I can tell, it is the "real" world. Murus is not the only world created by these people. It is one universe out of many created in this fictional world known as "the Architect Verse". This "Architect Verse" exists within a series of worlds known as the Fear Mythos.

I have been given contact with a group of these creators, through a Skype group they have. Each creator in this group, I can enter into the world of, if I so choose. Most help expand the "Architect Verse" creation with its many universes. The others work on the others worlds in this "Fear Mythos". I can access the worlds created by those in this group. Outside of Skype, I cannot directly communicate.

While I cannot exist in Murus, I can change it to my liking, in a manner to get my revenge on this Lofries, if I have enough power of these worlds from Architect Verse (and, indeed, I can gain power from the other worlds from this Fear Mythos).  It is simple- I assign instructions to the creator of one of these stories for their character existing in these worlds to do- transferring this power to me.

Sometimes they do not wish to cooperate. I would advise against this. After all, although I can not exist with Murus, I CAN exist within these other ones if I so choose, and I can be very dangerous in them.

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