Friday, February 5, 2016

A Correction

I do not "think myself a demon". I am an agent of chaos. That is a fact.

And you setting me on fire was most certainly NOT amusing.



Hello, it's me, Abilene.

Now you might all be wondering "Abi! How the fuck did you get onto Traptom's blog? I thought you were trapped in the void between existences!" And the answer is that I'm a badass. A better answer is that my magic managed to connect to Traptom's communications while I was his "prisoner", and now I can still access them through that.

The point of this post is just to clear some shit up, mainly about Traptom keeping me a "helpless captive". While I was scared that someone was following me at first, after he'd taken me I realized I could easily hold my own against him. He's all looks, all flair, no action.

Make no mistake, he was scary when he sent that version of himself to capture me; however, since he needed me alive as ransom material and had NO intent to actually harm me (as that would utterly destroy his plans), I could easily fight back without consequence. If he'd actually been seriously hoping to harm me, I might've been frightened, but in this context there was no reason for fear.

I set him on fire. Three times. Those stupid bandages of his caught fire really fast, and since he was already burned underneath them, it was... very unpleasant for him, to say the least xD

I made his hat burst into flames, too, which was really funny.

Since I knew he couldn't hurt me without destroying his plans, I also told him to go to hell several times. He got very indignant and claimed that "I'm superior to all of the demons just wasting time lounging around". He thinks he's a demon or something. I hope you like nuts 'cause we've got a BIG one.

So, anyways, I suppose I MIGHT have been returned to Elda and not left in this empty void if I hadn't done all of that, but honestly, totally worth it. Elda will help me out anyways.

Elda, if you're reading this, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING! xD


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The First Power over Murus

Due to the agreement mentioned earlier, I have finally gained a small bit of power of Murus, Lofries' world.

The creator of "The Two Amigos" agreed to write a ritual into his series that would transfer the creation energy from that world over to me. In return, I would release Abilene Carter.

I released Abilene Carter.

The main character of "The Two Amigos" was written to perform this ritual- in his world, it was to transfer to a different location.

In reality, it transferred the energy related to a connection between Murus and that world to me. I have been able to tap into this energy and gain slight power over Murus.

I am unable to do much yet, but I suppose I can start small.

An Announcement

Due to an agreement I've made, I will no longer hold Abilene Carter captive.

I have dumped her in the wastelands between worlds. There is no way for anybody but me to get in or out.

I have upheld my end of the bargain.